Treating Foot Fractures

  • When the bones of a foot or both feet are fractured, it is important to treat the broken bone appropriately. The causes of fractures are usually related to injuries, such as an impact or a twisted foot that results in a break or a small crack. After an x-ray is taken to identify the break, the process of treating the broken bone begins.

    Identifying the Break

    The only way to treat the broken bone is by identifying where it is located and taking appropriate steps to ensure that it is set and healing. Signs of the location are the first part of recognizing where to look when an x-ray is taken.

    Fractures in the big toe are the most common foot fractures that occur. When the big toe is broken, it may result in swelling, severe pain and bleeding or bruising. In most cases, the fracture occurs after an impact on the toe, but a twisted foot or similar situations can also cause a break.

    When the four smaller toes are broken, the process of healing may not require a cast. The amount of pain involved in the broken bone is usually less dramatic than the pain of the large toe, but it may be necessary to realign the toes after the break occurs.

    Other fractures in the feet are less common than broken bones in the toes, but may occur at the ankle, middle of the foot and heel.

    An x-ray discovers the fracture.

    Treatment Options

    The treatment of a broken toe, heel, ankle or any bone in the feet may vary. In cases of small fractures or broken toes, realigning the bones may be the only required step of allowing it to heal. A cast may also be necessary to keep the bone stable.

    In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to heal the fracture or remove small bones to prevent further pain.

    Broken bones are a common medical problem. They can result from fallen objects, sports activities or accidents.